Updaam After Dark

A fan zine dedicated to celebrating the 3rd release anniversary of the video game Deathloop.

This form is here to help determine how many contributors and readers we are to expect.
Filling it is for information purposes only and does not constitute a sign-up.
Since the game is old, and the fandom not as active as it was during release, this form really helps to gauge what kind of content people are happy to make for the zine, and what readers want to see.
The overall theme is 'Blackreef and its Mysteries', hence the name, and we already have some fun games and a theory about an NPC lined up.
Any form of fan content is welcome, including screenshot edits, cosplay, art, and fics!
For more detailed information, check out the QnA section.

Are you an artist, writer, and overall Deathloop fan? We would love to have your work featured in this zine!
Fill in the form below. Rules will be available there, as well as here and on Tumblr. You can only submit the form once, but you can take as much time as you need to fill it in.
It will open on the 14th of April, and close on the 10th of May.
You will receive an email with submission instructions once your sign-up is confirmed.

If you're looking for inspiration, check out the returns from the interest form:

General Rules

'Updaam After Dark' is a zine dedicated to celebrating Deathloop's third anniversary. Hence, all content in it must stay on topic. We understand that because Deathloop and Dishonored are set in the same universe, and this zine is dedicated to fan theories and such, some overlap will occur. However, you should center Backreef and/or its inhabitants in your creations.All contributors must be 18 years or older when applying, as the zine will cover the same mature topics that are present in the game.Contributors will be asked to share personal information, including social media handles and links to portfolios/AO3/blogs. This information helps ensure the quality of the zine, and allows for the mods to stay in contact with the contributors during the process. The last section on this page details how this information is processed.The outcome of your sign-up will be sent to you within two weeks, or by the 14th of May at the latest. All submissions are handled in Google Drive, with format rules detailed in the individual contributor sections below. You will receive more detailed instructions on how to submit your work once your sign-up is confirmed. There will be monthly check-ins on your progress, via your chosen platform, from June to August. Your submission may be removed if you do not communicate with the mods during these check-ins. The check-ins are also in place to ensure that content stays cohesive, non-repetitive, and within the theme of the zine.Contributors will retain all rights to their submission after the zine releases. More on this in the last section.

Rules for Writers

During sign-ups, writers will be asked to present two samples of their work, between 300 and 2000 words each, preferably related to Deathloop. These may be excerpts from longer pieces.The final submission will constitute a .txt, .docx, or .pdf file within a designated Google Drive folder. Formatting will be done by mods, unless the writer desires a particular layout, font, etc. In that case, they will have to submit a .pdf that complies with the restrictions of the zine. Said restrictions will be discussed on a case-by-case basis (e.g.: coloured background, etc).You get carte blanche for the style and subject of the final submission, as long as it fits within the general theme of 'Blackreef and its Mysteries'. The previous Deathloop zine featured fanfiction and a choose-your-own-adventure story. We encourage you to also consider writing lore documents, minicom conversations, or 'in-game collectibles'.There is no hard limit on word count, but writers are encouraged to submit pieces of around 1500 words, with up to 5000 words. NSFW content is allowed, but keep in mind that this is a zine open to all audiences, so over-the-top violence, gore, swearing, or smut are not encouraged.You will receive feedback on the piece before submission to make sure it fits in with the themes of the zine, and a mod will read the pieces to edit any potential typos and suggest syntax structure and grammar edits.

Rules for Artists

During sign-ups, artists will be asked to present two samples of their work. These can be any digital or traditional pieces that demonstrate their style. We recommend submitting lined and coloured art.The final submission will constitute a .png file, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, and a transparent background if applicable. The format will depend on the type of art you wish to submit (spot, page, or spread). You will have to upload it to a designated Google Drive folder. Traditional art needs to be scanned, not photographed.We ask that you remove any watermarks. If you wish to include your signature, you can submit it as a separate .png. Its placement on the page will be discussed and approved by both you and the mods.Spot illustrators are expected to produce 2 to 5 images to be used throughout the zine, while other artists are expected to submit one piece.You will receive feedback on the piece before submission, to make sure it fits in with the themes of the zine. Unlike writers, artists are much freer in the choice of their subject. You may be asked to make small adjustments to your piece, such as colour corrections, or background adjustments.

Rules for other Contributors

During sign-ups, contributors will be asked to submit two examples of the kind of content they wish to submit. These can include Reddit, Steam, or Tumblr posts.The format of the final submission will be discussed on a case-by-case basis. Formatting may be done by the mods or the creator. Individual items such as screenshots or text documents should be submitted to a designated Google Drive folder.The topic of 'Blackreef Mysteries' is quite broad, and can be interpreted in many ways. The previous zine featured cosplays, and this issue will feature games that will test your Blackreef knowledge. We encourage you to think outside the box and include interactive elements when possible.You will receive feedback on your piece before submission, or before formatting, depending on the individual requirements, to make sure it fits in with the themes of the zine. If it contains text, a mod will read it to edit any potential typos, and suggest syntax structure or grammar edits. For visual pieces, small adjustments such as colour corrections or background adjustments may be requested.

On data Privacy and Exclusivity

Some information, including an email address and online handles, will be collected during the sign-up process. They will be used to facilitate communication between the mods and the contributors and will be deleted, along with the sign-up forms and the Google Drive folders after the release of the zine.Contributors are not allowed to share any WIPs or screenshots with those outside the zine before the zine's release. After the 14th of September, contributors are free to publish their work on any platform of their choosing, with no obligation to mention that it was created for this zine.All contributions made to the zine must be original and unpublished.All contributors retain all rights to their work but forfeit the right to remove the piece from the zine past its release.

Thank you to the team who made this possible!

A special thank you to Alice, DeltaJak, Greca Andreievich, Hyper, IAmTheDoctor42.

What is a Zine?

A zine, is a fan-made magazine containing fan works of various kinds, and typically centered around a fandom or a theme. In this case, the zine is dedicated to Arkane's video game Deathloop. Specifically, it celebrates its 3rd anniversary, after it release on the 14th of September 2021.This zine will be available for free, as a .pdf download, and all of the fans that contribute to it do so on a voluntary basis. We are not afiliated with Arkane, beyond the hundreds of hours spent looping on Blackreef.

What is the timeline for this project?

Date (dd/mm)Event
01/04expression of interest form closes
14/04sign-ups open
10/05sign-ups close
14/05submissions open
20/08submissions close
14/09∞ zine release ∞

Who can contribute?

Anyone! This is an event ran by fans, for fans, and the only real restriction is to have played the game.

What are the rules around the contents of the zine?

More detailed rules on that will be released once the expression of interest form closes, as some of it will be determined by what the readers and artists want.

I want to participate, but I don't know what to write/draw

A list of ideas, based on the responses in the interest form, will be made available when the sign-ups open!

Is there any way I can receive an alert for when this zine releases?

Yes! A download link will be posted on Tumblr and Reddit, and you can also receive an email if you so choose.

I missed the sign-ups deadline. Can I still particiapte?

Unfortunately no. But you can still read and share the zine when it comes out!